I've just finished the most recent (and perhaps last) story in my time-travel series. It's called "At the Portal, Challenging", which is a reference to one of my favorite poems, "Who Has Known Heights" by Mary Brent Whiteside. I'm turning over possible next steps for the series. I kind of want to put all the stories together in a new book. Of course most of the previous stories in the series were published in my short-story collection, Unlikely Muses. So if I put them into a new book, I think I'd want to remove them from Unlikely Muses, which would cut that book by about half its length. Alternatively, I could release a new longer edition of Unlikely Muses which would include all the stories (the one I finished before this, "Remembrance Day", is currently only available on my Kofi page). Or I could drop the new story onto my Patreon or Kofi as an exclusive.
While I'm messing around with these thoughts, I'm also considering ideas for the next book in the Morstan-Karbegla series, tentatively titled Called from the Ashes. I've had the ending of this book in my brain for years now, but I only recently found the beginning of it as well. Now I just have to figure out all that pesky stuff in the middle!